总经理室: 电话: 0086-518-83368001, 83368099
President office: Tel: 0086-518-83368001, 83368099

综合管理部: 电话: 0086-518-83368006
Administration Department: Tel: 0086-518-83368006

化工部: 主营化工类产品
Chemical Department: Mainly dealing with chemical products.
电话: 0086-518-83368002 Tel: 0086-518-83368002

粮谷食品部: 主营粮谷及食品
Cereal & foodstuff Department: Mainly dealing with cereals and foodstuff.
电话:0086-518-83368017 Tel: 0086-518-83368017

饲料部: 主营饲料及饲料添加剂
Feedstuff Department: Mainly dealing with feed stuffs and feed additives
电话:0086-518-83368003, 83368019 Tel: 0086-518-83368003, 83368019

矿产部: 主营矿产品、石英制品及灯具
Minerals Department: Mainly dealing with minerals,quartz products and lights.
电话:0086-518-83368012 Tel: 0086-518-83368012

板材部: 主营各种板材及木材
Wooden board Department: Mainly dealing with wooden boards, lumbers and logs
电话:0086-518-83368011 Tel:0086-518-83368011

Logistics Department: Agency of international and domestic cargo ocean shipping and land transportation, storage, customs and inspections clearance, Etc.
电话: 0086-518-83368021 Tel: 0086-518-83368021

ADD:No.9 East Hailian Road Lianyungang Jiangsu China
E-mail: sales@updco.com
地址:中国江苏连云港市新浦海连东路 9 号 (外经贸大厦12楼)
电子邮件: sales@updco.com
连云港中联物产发展有限公司    sales@updco.com    苏ICP备15049370号-1
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